Who’s In Your Inner Circle of 5?

Uncategorized Jun 20, 2021

You’ve probably heard that you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

It’s a good idea to keep in mind when you’re improving your exercise and eating routines.

You want to be surrounded by supportive people who will encourage you, inspire you, and maybe even teach you.

You don’t want to be spending time with Debbie Downers! Even the most upbeat people will be brought down by constant naysayers. 

Does your inner circle reflect your values and provide the loving support you need? What about:

  • Your significant other? Even if he or she doesn’t want to take on your fledgling habits, your partner can still make domestic accommodations in, say, scheduling and shopping.  
  • Your best friend? If he or she’s really a partner in overeating, lounging and too much red wine, then you might need a new BFF. At least be clear that you won’t be joining in those activities anymore.
  • Your workout partner? Have you got a friend you can ask to be your workout partner...someone who is interested in joining your walks, rides, or workouts?
  • Your work colleagues? If you’re going to the workplace, enlist someone for walking lunches and progress checks. If you’re working at home, check in with that special workmate daily to share encouragement. 

Remember you’re responsible for the energy you allow yourself to absorb. Make sure it’s the kind that fuels your dreams and passions!

Make it a great week!

Andrea x

PS: Jump on into my new private Facebook coaching community The Whole Health Solution - You'll find over 300 fabulous people in there ready to encourage & support you!


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